Claire Tucker is a recent convert to Friesians…in fact, it’s really all George’s fault that she now owns Storm…a younger Friesian… who is being schooled. She rides George only a couple times a week because she’s actually supposed to be running a company as her day job. And also, George is at the stage in his life where he doesn’t want to pirouette for dressage tests, but just likes to hang out.


Claire lives with her long suffering husband and their two beautiful children in a kennel which they rent from their dogs. They also have 2 cats (through no fault of their own) and a school of guppies who refuse to die no matter how often she forgets to feed them. There are probably silkworm eggs in a box somewhere waiting for mulberry season but that’s a story for a different day.


Claire has always had more enthusiasm than talent when it comes to riding, but there’s something about the smell of a horse (like the grassy paws of a sleeping dog) that makes one stop and take a large, happy, calming breath, and so she persists (to her trainers dismay) in mucking about with horses.

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